Saturday, June 09, 2007

More about socks

"Abends nach dem Abendbrot (zwei Spiegeleier hatte ich mir nach dem anstrengenden Tag erlaubt, und Tee) habe ich dann Struempfe gewaschen. Es blieb mir nichts anderes uebrig, denn seit dem verdammten Regenwetter seit Donnerstag ist der Strumpfverschleiss enorm. Deine Socken habe ich dann mitgewaschen, oh waren die dreckig! Ich habe sie bestimmt zehnmal gespuelt."

"After supper (I allowed myself two fried eggs after the exhausting day, and tea) I washed stockings. It had to be done, because of the dreadful rainy weather since Tursday I have been through loads. I washed your socks at the same time - they were so dirty! I had to rinse them at least ten times."

Letter from my mother to my father, 23.3.1952


Blogger Arielle said...

'Knitted with two needles' ... What would be the difference from socks knitted with the one round needle?

2:02 pm  
Blogger Solveigh Goett said...

If knitted with two (rather than five) needles, you would have a seam. To knit socks in the round, you need five needles. This is not as complicated as it sounds. I used to knit socks a long time ago, for myself, my then (now ex) husband, even my father-in-law - not sure whether they appreciated it. Knitting socks was quite popular among my friends in Germany. I kept the pattern and actually put it up on my pinboard, because I quite like the idea of knitting socks again - when I get a bit of time.... I never managed to finish a jumper, but socks are a much smaller project.

3:47 pm  
Blogger Solveigh Goett said...

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3:47 pm  

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