"Bringing the disparate understandings into line with each other is therefore a major challenge for dementia care. That is, metaphorically speaking, stitching together the patched-up worlds into a patchwork quilt with a meaningful pattern." (p.69)
"All in all, we need to consider how to put together, or help the person with dementia put together, a reasonable socially shared world as best we can and with all possible means. That is, we need to find out how to patch up the world not into a piece of patchwork in the pejorative sense of the word, but in the sense of a colourful, warm, and artfully designed patchwork quilt - a creative artwork in which pieces of personal narrative may be fit into the overall kaleidoscopic image as part of the whole." (p.71)
Linda Oerulv, Fragile Identities, patched-up worlds: Dementia and Meaning Making in Social Interaction, Linkoeping Studies in Art and Science No. 428, Linkoeping Dissertations on Health & Society No. 12,
Linkoeping University 2008, p.69/71