Thursday, August 13, 2009

The dangers of knitting

In a story published in the New York Times on 15 March 1908, a train conductor admonishes an old lady engaged in her knitting to pass the time of the journey, telling her that knitting on the train is "against the rules" or, at least to be strongly advised against. He tells the story of one knitter being killed by her steel knitting needle piercing her heart during a train accident she would have survived unharmed had she not been knitting. Another woman, relates to give further weight to his warning, was stabbed through the eye by her knitting needle as the train unexpectedly lurched forward as she was bending over her work.

The lady in the story remains undeterred by this and continues her work. The "Dangers of Knitting and Stitching" however, are real enough, engagingly told by artist Deirdre Nelson in her exhibition of this title.

Frequently used in the performance of home or back street abortions, not unheard of as murder weapons, knitting needles' potential to cause serious harm has also been recognized by airlines banning passenger from carrying them on board of aircrafts.


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