Wednesday, May 28, 2008

At home in pyjamas

"Home is where you can sit surfing the web in your pyjamas all day."

"Where I can sit at the computer in my pyjamas writing all morning, curl up on the sofa engrossed in a book in the evening."

"It's a place where I can walk around all day in my pyjamas and nobody will think of me any differently."

The Home Project
2000-2004 trAce Online Writing Centre

What does home mean to you?

"Home is the place where you can take off your constricting bra in the sitting-room and tuck it behind the sofa cushions."

The Home Project
2000-2004 trAce Online Writing Centre

Monday, May 05, 2008

"Da lacht die weisse Waesche"


"Dabei vertreten wir den Standpunkt, dass in Strickarbeit nur solche Gegenstaende ausgefuehrt werden sollen, die sich am besten fuer die Technik eignen und nicht den Schoenheitssinn verletzen, z.B, waere es geschmacklos, Bettdecken oder Kissenbezuege zu stricken, die in Naeharbeit schneller, schoener und zweckmaessiger herzustellen sind."

["We take the standpoint that only those items should be done in knitting which are most suitable for the technique and which don't offend the sense of beauty, for example it would be bad taste to knit bed covers or pillow cases; these are faster, more beautifully and more appropriately executed in sewing."]

Donner, Mizi & Schnebel, Carl (eds) (1996), Handarbeiten wie zu Grossmutters Zeiten, facsimile print of the original edition of “Ich kann handarbeiten”: Illustriertes Hausbuch für die Techniken der weiblichen Handarbeit, Ullstein Verlag Berlin 1913, Weltbild Verlag Augsburg 1996, p.74

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Threads unite Women

In 2006 I came across a small notice in a textile magazine calling for participants in a project by the German-Afghan Initiative (DAI) entitled "Threads unite Women." Squares embroidered by women in rural Afghanistan are bought by women in Western Europe to incorporate into their own textile work. In 2007, 220 works were selected for a travelling exhibition which has since toured France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, Spain and Austria ( - alas no host has yet been found for a show in the UK.

Inspired by the exhibition and the rich variety of the embroidered squares and the works they have become part of, more and more women in Europe are getting involved, among them my cousin Gisela and her friends.

For further information and to buy squares, contact Pascale Goldenberg:
