Joseph Beuys on multiples
From Joseph Beuys's answer to Schellmann and Klueser's question, why do you make multiples?
"I'm interested in the distribution of physical vehicles in the form of editions because I am interested in the spreading of ideas. [...] For me, each edition has the character of a kernel of condensation upon which many things can accumulate."
Exhibition text, De la Warr Pavilion, Bexhill,
Beuys is here, 4 July to 27 September 2009
Schellman, Jörg and Klüser, Bernd (1970), Interview with Joseph Beuys, in Joseph Beuys: The Multiples, Cambridge, Mass., Minneapolis, and Munich/New York: Harvard University Art Museums, Walker Art Center, and Edition Schellmann, 1997,, retrieved 16.8.2009