Thursday, May 10, 2007

Two Tartan blankets

"About 20 years ago, my father gave me a Tartan woollen blanket (dark blue/dark green), very fluffy. It is very soft to the touch.

When my mother was very ill with cancer, I bought her a very similar blanket and took it with me to G. When I arrived there, my mother was already in hospital. I gave her the blanket, but she died 3 weeks later. That was about 10 years ago.

I still have the two blankets. I thought, maybe one day I'll give one to M. and one to A. But for the time being, I use them on my bed and on the children's bed. I don't like other people using them. They are family blankets, somehow. I am attached to these blankets and would be a bit upset if I lost them. They do symbolize my father and my mother in a way (they divorced when I was 9 years old.). It might be a way to keep them together on some deeper level (through the warmth of a blanket.)"

Female, 52 (from my correspondence)


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